Sunday, August 26, 2012

Finger lickin' good!

At "Happy Tummies" this past Friday we had a celebration for the children that have had birthdays since we started in mid May. We recognized 9 children with a fun day of games and ice cream. The festivities began with a meal that featured a fried chicken leg. Most of us don't consider fried chicken a special meal and we may not think it so special here in Guatemala since it seems to be plentiful. But the kids in Happy Tummies are not able to get chicken very often, because of their families financial situation. Well, let me tell you that these boys and girls enjoyed that chicken very much! We have never seen bones so clean. It was a very touching thing that tugged at our heart strings and we pray that we would be able to provide more special meals and birthday celebrations. If you feel led to donate to Happy Tummies you can do that by clicking donate now on this page.